Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mufti Taqi Usmai Sahab Message to All Pakistanis

اسلام وعلیکم ورحمتہ اللہ برکاتہ۔

مسلمانان پاکستان کے نام ایک درد ناک پیغام!

حضرت مفتی محمد تقی عثمانی صاحب مد ظلہ نے اپنے بیان میں ایک بزرگ کا ذکرفرمایا کہ انھوںنےخواب میں حضورصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو دیکھا۔ حضورصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نےفرمایا کہ“پاکستان پرعذاب آنے کا اندیشہ ہے۔“ سورہ الشمس اور آیت کریمہ کا ٧٠٠٠٠مرتبہ اجتماعی ختم کرنے کا اھتمام کریں۔ (اتوار ٢٤-٠٥-٢٠٠٩) یہ پیغام ہر مسلمان تک پہنچائیں۔ جزاک
اللہ خیرا واحسن الجزاء۔

You can access the audio of this bayaan at this weblocation
Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahab's Message

English Version
On Sunday 24 May 2009, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahab Damatbarakatuhum said during his bayan at Darul Uloom Karachi, that one of Mufti Sahab's Buzurgs saw Nabi e Kareem(SAW) in his Dream. Nabi e Kareem(SAW) said in the dream, that Pakistan might soon be caught in an Azaab from Allah(SWT). Nabi e Kareem(SAW) said, in the dream, that the people of Pakistan should recite Surah Shams at least 70,000 times to avoid this Azaab.

Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahab Db has asked everyone to recite Surah Shams as much as possible and also to recite Ayat e Kareema freuently.

Hazrat Mufti Sahab has also asked people to forward this msg to as many people as possible.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Latest Mastoorat (Ladies) Bayaans Maulana Tariq Jameel

Follow this link to download the latest bayaans for Mastooraat(Ladies) by Maulana Tariq Jameel.

Click here to follow this link.

Mastoorat Bayaans - Click Here

Latest Bayaans of Maualan Tariq Jameel 2009

Uploaded some of the baayaans to MySPACES in MSN. These bayaans are of April, 2009. Some other bayaans of Year 2009 have also been uploaded to the same place.

Latest Bayaans 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

GMI (Goldmine International) Fatwaa. Halal or Haram ?

Attached is the authentic fatwaa regarding Goldmine International operating worldwide. After reading this you can decide the truth regarding the company. For more details about this fatwaa you can contact Dar-ul-uloom Korangi and talk to Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahab regarding this issue. This fatwaa is 100% Geniune and you can also verify the authenticity by a phone call.

Telephone Number: +92 21 35049774