Really Funnny Shadi Card. A good sample for everyone ! :)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Mother's Role - Story of a Manager
lA very good story I recieved from someone ! Please do read
One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision.
The director discovered from the CV that the youth's academic achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never had a year when he did not score.
The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" the youth answered "none".
The director asked, " Was it your father who paid for your school fees?" The youth answered, "My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my school fees.
The director asked, " Where did your mother work?" The youth answered, "My mother worked as clothes cleaner. The director requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect.
The director asked, " Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?" The youth answered, "Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me.
The director said, "I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.*
The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went back, he happily requested his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid.
The youth cleaned his mother's hands slowly. His tear fell as he did that. It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water.
This was the first time the youth realized that it was this pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to enable him to pay the school fee. The bruises in the mother's hands were the price that the mother had to pay for his graduation, academic excellence and his future.
After finishing the cleaning of his mother hands, the youth quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother.
That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.
Next morning, the youth went to the director's office.
The Director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, asked: " Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"
The youth answered, " I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes'
The Director asked, " please tell me your feelings."
The youth said, Number 1, I know now what is appreciation. Without my mother, there would not the successful me today. Number 2, by working together and helping my mother, only I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done. Number 3, I have come to appreciate the importance and value of family relationship.
The director said, " This is what I am looking for to be my manager. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done, and a person who would not put money as his only goal in life. You are hired.
Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates. Every employee worked diligently and as a team. The company's performance improved tremendously.
A child, who has been protected and habitually given whatever he wanted, would develop "entitlement mentality" and would always put himself first. He would be ignorant of his parent's efforts. When he starts work, he assumes that every person must listen to him, and when he becomes a manager, he would never know the sufferings of his employees and would always blame others. For this kind of people, who may be good academically, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement.
He will grumble and be full of hatred and fight for more. If we are this kind of protective parents, are we really showing love or are we destroying the kid instead?*
You can let your kid live in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experience it. After a meal, let them wash their plates and bowls together with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love them in a right way. You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parents are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the mother of that young person. The most important thing is your kid learns how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learns the ability to work with others to get things done.
One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision.
The director discovered from the CV that the youth's academic achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never had a year when he did not score.
The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" the youth answered "none".
The director asked, " Was it your father who paid for your school fees?" The youth answered, "My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my school fees.
The director asked, " Where did your mother work?" The youth answered, "My mother worked as clothes cleaner. The director requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect.
The director asked, " Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?" The youth answered, "Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me.
The director said, "I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.*
The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went back, he happily requested his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid.
The youth cleaned his mother's hands slowly. His tear fell as he did that. It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water.
This was the first time the youth realized that it was this pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to enable him to pay the school fee. The bruises in the mother's hands were the price that the mother had to pay for his graduation, academic excellence and his future.
After finishing the cleaning of his mother hands, the youth quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother.
That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.
Next morning, the youth went to the director's office.
The Director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, asked: " Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"
The youth answered, " I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes'
The Director asked, " please tell me your feelings."
The youth said, Number 1, I know now what is appreciation. Without my mother, there would not the successful me today. Number 2, by working together and helping my mother, only I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done. Number 3, I have come to appreciate the importance and value of family relationship.
The director said, " This is what I am looking for to be my manager. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done, and a person who would not put money as his only goal in life. You are hired.
Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates. Every employee worked diligently and as a team. The company's performance improved tremendously.
A child, who has been protected and habitually given whatever he wanted, would develop "entitlement mentality" and would always put himself first. He would be ignorant of his parent's efforts. When he starts work, he assumes that every person must listen to him, and when he becomes a manager, he would never know the sufferings of his employees and would always blame others. For this kind of people, who may be good academically, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement.
He will grumble and be full of hatred and fight for more. If we are this kind of protective parents, are we really showing love or are we destroying the kid instead?*
You can let your kid live in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experience it. After a meal, let them wash their plates and bowls together with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love them in a right way. You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parents are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the mother of that young person. The most important thing is your kid learns how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learns the ability to work with others to get things done.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Maulana Tariq Jameel Latest Bayans 2010
Latest Bayaans of Maulana Tariq Jameel Sahab in year 2010
Click on the folder below
Bayaans Link (Volume 85) - Sept 2010
Click on the folder below
Bayaans Link (Volume 85) - Sept 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
MAA Ki Iltijaa - Poem by a Mother
A great Poem by a Mother.
Thanks to Mr Masood Alam for Sharing
میرے بچو،گر تم مجھ کو بڑھاپے کے حال میں دیکھو
اُکھڑی اُکھڑی چال میں دیکھو
مشکل ماہ و سال میں دیکھو
صبر یں دیکھو کا دامن تھامے رکھنا
کڑوا ہے یہ گھونٹ پہ چکھنا
’’اُف ‘‘ نہ کہنا،غصے کا اظہار نہ کرنا
میرے دل پر وار نہ کرنا
ہاتھ مرے گر کمزوری سے کا نپ اٹھیں
اور کھانا،مجھ پر گر جائے تو
مجھ کو نفرت سے مت تکنا،لہجے کو بیزار نہ کرنا
بھول نہ جانا ان ہاتھوں سے تم نے کھانا کھانا سیکھا
جب تم کھانا میرے کپڑوں اور ہاتھوں پر مل دیتے تھے
میں تمہارا بوسہ لے کر ہنس دیتی تھی
کپڑوں کی تبدیلی میں گر دیر لگا دوں یا تھک جاؤں
مجھ کو سُست اور کاہل کہہ کر ، اور مجھے بیمار نہ کرنا
بھول نہ جانا کتنے شوق سے تم کو رنگ برنگے کپڑے پہناتی تھی
اک اک دن میں دس دس بار بدلواتی تھی
میرے یہ کمزور قدم گر جلدی جلدی اُٹھ نہ پائیں
میرا ہاتھ پکڑ لینا تم ،تیز اپنی رفتار نہ کرنا
بھول نہ جانا،میری انگلی تھام کے تم نے پاؤں پاؤں چلنا سیکھا
میری باہوں کے حلقے میں گرنا اور سنبھلنا سیکھا
جب میں باتیں کرتے کرتے،رُک جاؤں ،خود کو دھراوں
ٹوٹا ربط پکڑ نہ پاؤں،یادِ ماضی میں کھو جاؤں
آسانی سے سمجھ نہ پاؤں،مجھ کو نرمی سے سمجھانا
مجھ سے مت بے کار اُلجھنا،مجھے سمجھنا
اکتاکر، گھبراکر مجھ کو ڈانٹ نہ دینا
دل کے کانچ کو پتھر مار کے کرچی کرچی بانٹ نہ دینا
بھول نہ جانا جب تم ننھے منے سے تھے
ایک کہانی سو سو بار سنا کرتے تھے
اور میں کتنی چاہت سے ہر بار سنا یاکرتی تھی
جو کچھ دھرانے کو کہتے،میں دھرایا کرتی تھی
اگر نہانے میں مجھ سے سُستی ہو جائے
مجھ کو شرمندہ مت کرنا،یہ نہ کہنا آپ سے کتنی بُو آتی ہے
بھول نہ جانا جب تم ننھے منے سے تھے اور نہانے سے چڑتے تھے
تم کو نہلانے کی خاطر
چڑیا گھر لے جانے میں تم سے وعدہ کرتی تھی
کیسے کیسے حیلوں سے تم کو آمادہ کرتی تھی
گر میں جلدی سمجھ نہ پاؤں،وقت سے کچھ پیچھے رہ جاؤں
مجھ پر حیرت سے مت ہنسنا،اور کوئی فقرہ نہ کسنا
مجھ کو کچھ مہلت دے دینا شائد میں کچھ سیکھ سکوں
بھول نہ جانا
میں نے برسوں محنت کر کے تم کو کیا کیا سکھلایا تھا
کھانا پینا،چلنا پھرنا،ملنا جلنا،لکھنا پڑھنا
اور آنکھوں میں آنکھیں ڈال کے اس دنیا کی ،آگے بڑھنا
میری کھانسی سُن کر گر تم سوتے سوتے جاگ اٹھوتو
مجھ کو تم جھڑکی نہ دینا
یہ نہ کہنا،جانے دن بھر کیا کیا کھاتی رہتی ہیں
اور راتوں کو کُھوں کھوں کر کے شور مچاتی رہتی ہیں
بھول نہ جانامیں نے کتنی لمبی راتیں
تم کو اپنی گود میں لے کر ٹہل ٹہل کر کاٹی ہیں
گر میں کھانا نہ کھاؤں تو تم مجھ کو مجبور نہ کرنا
جس شے کو جی چاہے میرا اس کو مجھ سے دور نہ کرنا
پرہیزوں کی آڑ میں ہر پل میرا دل رنجور نہ کرنا
کس کا فرض ہے مجھ کو رکھنا
اس بارے میں اک دوجے سے بحث نہ کرنا
آپس میں بے کار نہ لڑنا
جس کو کچھ مجبوری ہو اس بھائی پر الزام نہ دھرنا
گر میں اک دن کہہ دوں عرشیؔ ، اب جینے کی چاہ نہیں ہے
یونہی بوجھ بنی بیٹھی ہوں ،کوئی بھی ہمراہ نہیں ہے
تم مجھ پر ناراض نہ ہونا
جیون کا یہ راز سمجھنا
برسوں جیتے جیتے آخر ایسے دن بھی آ جاتے ہیں
جب جیون کی روح تو رخصت ہو جاتی ہے
سانس کی ڈوری رہ جاتی ہے
شائد کل تم جان سکو گے ،اس ماں کو پہچان سکو گے
گر چہ جیون کی اس دوڑ میں ،میں نے سب کچھ ہار دیا ہے
لیکن ،میرے دامن میں جو کچھ تھا تم پر وار دیا ہے
تم کو سچا پیار دیا ہے
جب میں مر جاؤں تو مجھ کو
میرے پیارے رب کی جانب چپکے سے سرکا دینا
ا ور ،دعا کی خاطر ہاتھ اُٹھا دینا
میرے پیارے رب سے کہنا،رحم ہماری ماں پر کر دے
جیسے اس نے بچپن میں ہم کمزوروں پر رحم کیا تھا
بھول نہ جانا،میرے بچو
جب تک مجھ میں جان تھی باقی
خون رگوں میں دوڑ رہا تھا
دل سینے میں دھڑک رہا ت
Thanks to Mr Masood Alam for Sharing
میرے بچو،گر تم مجھ کو بڑھاپے کے حال میں دیکھو
اُکھڑی اُکھڑی چال میں دیکھو
مشکل ماہ و سال میں دیکھو
صبر یں دیکھو کا دامن تھامے رکھنا
کڑوا ہے یہ گھونٹ پہ چکھنا
’’اُف ‘‘ نہ کہنا،غصے کا اظہار نہ کرنا
میرے دل پر وار نہ کرنا
ہاتھ مرے گر کمزوری سے کا نپ اٹھیں
اور کھانا،مجھ پر گر جائے تو
مجھ کو نفرت سے مت تکنا،لہجے کو بیزار نہ کرنا
بھول نہ جانا ان ہاتھوں سے تم نے کھانا کھانا سیکھا
جب تم کھانا میرے کپڑوں اور ہاتھوں پر مل دیتے تھے
میں تمہارا بوسہ لے کر ہنس دیتی تھی
کپڑوں کی تبدیلی میں گر دیر لگا دوں یا تھک جاؤں
مجھ کو سُست اور کاہل کہہ کر ، اور مجھے بیمار نہ کرنا
بھول نہ جانا کتنے شوق سے تم کو رنگ برنگے کپڑے پہناتی تھی
اک اک دن میں دس دس بار بدلواتی تھی
میرے یہ کمزور قدم گر جلدی جلدی اُٹھ نہ پائیں
میرا ہاتھ پکڑ لینا تم ،تیز اپنی رفتار نہ کرنا
بھول نہ جانا،میری انگلی تھام کے تم نے پاؤں پاؤں چلنا سیکھا
میری باہوں کے حلقے میں گرنا اور سنبھلنا سیکھا
جب میں باتیں کرتے کرتے،رُک جاؤں ،خود کو دھراوں
ٹوٹا ربط پکڑ نہ پاؤں،یادِ ماضی میں کھو جاؤں
آسانی سے سمجھ نہ پاؤں،مجھ کو نرمی سے سمجھانا
مجھ سے مت بے کار اُلجھنا،مجھے سمجھنا
اکتاکر، گھبراکر مجھ کو ڈانٹ نہ دینا
دل کے کانچ کو پتھر مار کے کرچی کرچی بانٹ نہ دینا
بھول نہ جانا جب تم ننھے منے سے تھے
ایک کہانی سو سو بار سنا کرتے تھے
اور میں کتنی چاہت سے ہر بار سنا یاکرتی تھی
جو کچھ دھرانے کو کہتے،میں دھرایا کرتی تھی
اگر نہانے میں مجھ سے سُستی ہو جائے
مجھ کو شرمندہ مت کرنا،یہ نہ کہنا آپ سے کتنی بُو آتی ہے
بھول نہ جانا جب تم ننھے منے سے تھے اور نہانے سے چڑتے تھے
تم کو نہلانے کی خاطر
چڑیا گھر لے جانے میں تم سے وعدہ کرتی تھی
کیسے کیسے حیلوں سے تم کو آمادہ کرتی تھی
گر میں جلدی سمجھ نہ پاؤں،وقت سے کچھ پیچھے رہ جاؤں
مجھ پر حیرت سے مت ہنسنا،اور کوئی فقرہ نہ کسنا
مجھ کو کچھ مہلت دے دینا شائد میں کچھ سیکھ سکوں
بھول نہ جانا
میں نے برسوں محنت کر کے تم کو کیا کیا سکھلایا تھا
کھانا پینا،چلنا پھرنا،ملنا جلنا،لکھنا پڑھنا
اور آنکھوں میں آنکھیں ڈال کے اس دنیا کی ،آگے بڑھنا
میری کھانسی سُن کر گر تم سوتے سوتے جاگ اٹھوتو
مجھ کو تم جھڑکی نہ دینا
یہ نہ کہنا،جانے دن بھر کیا کیا کھاتی رہتی ہیں
اور راتوں کو کُھوں کھوں کر کے شور مچاتی رہتی ہیں
بھول نہ جانامیں نے کتنی لمبی راتیں
تم کو اپنی گود میں لے کر ٹہل ٹہل کر کاٹی ہیں
گر میں کھانا نہ کھاؤں تو تم مجھ کو مجبور نہ کرنا
جس شے کو جی چاہے میرا اس کو مجھ سے دور نہ کرنا
پرہیزوں کی آڑ میں ہر پل میرا دل رنجور نہ کرنا
کس کا فرض ہے مجھ کو رکھنا
اس بارے میں اک دوجے سے بحث نہ کرنا
آپس میں بے کار نہ لڑنا
جس کو کچھ مجبوری ہو اس بھائی پر الزام نہ دھرنا
گر میں اک دن کہہ دوں عرشیؔ ، اب جینے کی چاہ نہیں ہے
یونہی بوجھ بنی بیٹھی ہوں ،کوئی بھی ہمراہ نہیں ہے
تم مجھ پر ناراض نہ ہونا
جیون کا یہ راز سمجھنا
برسوں جیتے جیتے آخر ایسے دن بھی آ جاتے ہیں
جب جیون کی روح تو رخصت ہو جاتی ہے
سانس کی ڈوری رہ جاتی ہے
شائد کل تم جان سکو گے ،اس ماں کو پہچان سکو گے
گر چہ جیون کی اس دوڑ میں ،میں نے سب کچھ ہار دیا ہے
لیکن ،میرے دامن میں جو کچھ تھا تم پر وار دیا ہے
تم کو سچا پیار دیا ہے
جب میں مر جاؤں تو مجھ کو
میرے پیارے رب کی جانب چپکے سے سرکا دینا
ا ور ،دعا کی خاطر ہاتھ اُٹھا دینا
میرے پیارے رب سے کہنا،رحم ہماری ماں پر کر دے
جیسے اس نے بچپن میں ہم کمزوروں پر رحم کیا تھا
بھول نہ جانا،میرے بچو
جب تک مجھ میں جان تھی باقی
خون رگوں میں دوڑ رہا تھا
دل سینے میں دھڑک رہا ت
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Duaa for recent conditions of Karachi
As told by Haji Sahab from Haram (Makkah) to Hazrat Wasif Manzoor Sahab, that Karachi people should recite these duaa's to save from Enemies (Internal and External) inshALLAH.
Click on the image for Enlarged Version
Click on the image for Enlarged Version
Monday, October 25, 2010
Great words from Hatim Asam (R.A)
Note: Click on the images to get enlarged version
Extracted from Fazail Sadiqaat
Section 2. Page Number 373 (PDF Version)
Extracted from Fazail Sadiqaat
Section 2. Page Number 373 (PDF Version)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Dil Badal Dey !
A very beautiful Duaa ! Must Listen. Do take out some time to listen
Orginally written and recited by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed. Now there are Different versions avalible.
Dil Badal Dey - Shaykh Zulfiqar
Dil Badal Dey - Recited by a Child
Dil Badal Dey - Junaid Jamshed
Dil Badal Dey - Ali Haider
Badal de Dil ki duniya dil badal day
Mera Ghaflat mein dooba dil badal day
Hawa-o-Hirs wala dil badal day
Mera Ghaflat mein dooba dil badal day
Badal de Dil ki duniya dil badal day
Khudaya Fazl farmaa dil badal day
Gunah gaari main kab tak Umr kaatoun
Badal day Mera rasta dil badal day
Sunoun Main naam Tera dharkanon Main
Maza aajaye Maula dil badal day
Hataaloun aankh apni Maa-siwa say
Jiyoun Mein Teri khatir dil badal day
Karoun Qurbaan Apni Saari Khushiyaan
Tu apna ghum ata kar dil badal day
Sehal farmaa musalsal yaad apni
Khudaya Reham farmaa dil badal day
Para houn Teray dar par dil shikasta
Rahoun kyu dil shikasta dil badal day
Tera hojaoun itni arzoo hay
Bas itni hay tamanna dil badal day
Meri faryaad sunlay Meray Maula
Banalay apna banda dil badal day
Tera hojaoun itni arzoo hay
Bas itni hay tamanna dil badal day
Meri faryaad sunlay Meray Maula
Banalay apna banda dil badal day
Dilay magmoom ko masroor karday
Dil-e-be noor ko purnoor karday
Faroza dil mein sham-e-toor karday
Yay gosha noor say ma’moor karday
Mera zahir sanwar jaaye Ilaahi
Meray baatin ki zulmat door karday
Hay meri ghaat mein khud nafs mera
Khudaya isko dey maqdoor karday
Mera zahir sanwar jaaye Ilaahi
Meray baatin ki zulmat door karday
Ma-e-wahdat Pila maqmoor karday
Mohabbat k nashay main choor karday
Mera zahir sanwar jaaye Ilaahi
Meray baatin ki zulmat door karday
Orginally written and recited by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed. Now there are Different versions avalible.
Dil Badal Dey - Shaykh Zulfiqar
Dil Badal Dey - Recited by a Child
Dil Badal Dey - Junaid Jamshed
Dil Badal Dey - Ali Haider
Badal de Dil ki duniya dil badal day
Mera Ghaflat mein dooba dil badal day
Hawa-o-Hirs wala dil badal day
Mera Ghaflat mein dooba dil badal day
Badal de Dil ki duniya dil badal day
Khudaya Fazl farmaa dil badal day
Gunah gaari main kab tak Umr kaatoun
Badal day Mera rasta dil badal day
Sunoun Main naam Tera dharkanon Main
Maza aajaye Maula dil badal day
Hataaloun aankh apni Maa-siwa say
Jiyoun Mein Teri khatir dil badal day
Karoun Qurbaan Apni Saari Khushiyaan
Tu apna ghum ata kar dil badal day
Sehal farmaa musalsal yaad apni
Khudaya Reham farmaa dil badal day
Para houn Teray dar par dil shikasta
Rahoun kyu dil shikasta dil badal day
Tera hojaoun itni arzoo hay
Bas itni hay tamanna dil badal day
Meri faryaad sunlay Meray Maula
Banalay apna banda dil badal day
Tera hojaoun itni arzoo hay
Bas itni hay tamanna dil badal day
Meri faryaad sunlay Meray Maula
Banalay apna banda dil badal day
Dilay magmoom ko masroor karday
Dil-e-be noor ko purnoor karday
Faroza dil mein sham-e-toor karday
Yay gosha noor say ma’moor karday
Mera zahir sanwar jaaye Ilaahi
Meray baatin ki zulmat door karday
Hay meri ghaat mein khud nafs mera
Khudaya isko dey maqdoor karday
Mera zahir sanwar jaaye Ilaahi
Meray baatin ki zulmat door karday
Ma-e-wahdat Pila maqmoor karday
Mohabbat k nashay main choor karday
Mera zahir sanwar jaaye Ilaahi
Meray baatin ki zulmat door karday
Monday, May 31, 2010
Madarsah in Terbela - Your Attention Required
Attached are the images of Madarash + School System (Montisori). Madarsah is working by Donations and Contributions for people whereas School is Paid. This is located in a very remoate location of Terbela Sonober Colony (Near Terbela DAM). Madarsah will only give education of Tajweed and help the poor childeren there to able to read the HOLY Quran. Our Family has witnessed the area to be a very low profile AREA with poverty. Such projects need your real attention. Monthly expenses, contruction and expenses to buy books, Quraan and other stuff to assist them are some of the needs.
Madarsah Pictures (Click here)
If you need direct contact details of Madarsah or want to locate it personally, do let me know so that I can provide you the deails.
A new place has also been rented by the same management to run school and madarsah specially for Girls, 200 KM away from this one. That remote location is also lacking behind in every aspect of life and induldged in poverty and uneducation. Your contributions here wont be at any loss, and I will inshALLAH provide you with every documented proves for the investment.
Nabeel Faruqui
Madarsah Pictures (Click here)
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Madarsah Pictures (Click to View) |
If you need direct contact details of Madarsah or want to locate it personally, do let me know so that I can provide you the deails.
A new place has also been rented by the same management to run school and madarsah specially for Girls, 200 KM away from this one. That remote location is also lacking behind in every aspect of life and induldged in poverty and uneducation. Your contributions here wont be at any loss, and I will inshALLAH provide you with every documented proves for the investment.
Nabeel Faruqui
Friday, April 16, 2010
GMI Fraud
Please visit this weblink which discuss in detail about GMI's Problems and why its HARAM.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Khalifa Haroon Rasheed and his pious son
This is the story extracted from Fazail-e-Sadaqaat !... a must read. Do take out some time to read it in your lesiure time. Infact it is a true story of a youngster who led a benchmark life.
Urdu Version. (Click on the Images to get Enlarged Version)
Click on the text to see enlarged text.
Urdu Version. (Click on the Images to get Enlarged Version)
Click on the text to see enlarged text.
Khalifah Haroon Rashid Rahmatullah alaihe had a son, about sixteen years of age, who used to associate frequently with the ascetics and spiritual leaders of those times. He would often go to the graveyard, sit by the graves and say, “There was a time when you inhabited this world and you were its masters. But the world did not protect you and you ended up in graves. Would that I knew what you are experiencing now! I wish I knew what you said in reply to the questions that were asked of you!” He used to recite this couplet very often:
“The funerals frighten me everyday, and wailings of the female mourners make me sad.”
One day, the young boy came to the court of his father, Haroon Rasheed, while he was sitting in company with viziers, lords and noblemen. The boy was dressed in simple clothes; with a turban on his head; when the courtiers saw him in this condition, they said, “The ways of this mad boy are a disgrace to the Amir-ul-Mo’mineen, in the sight of the kings; if he could admonish him, the boy might give up his foolish habits”. The Khalifah heard this and said to his son, “My dear son, you have disgraced me in the sight of the kings”. At this, the boy did not say a word (to his father), but called out to a bird sitting nearby, “O bird, I ask you, in the name of Him Who created you, to come and sit on my hand,” whereupon the bird flew across to him and perched on his hand. The boy then told it to fly away and it flew back to perch as before. After this, he said to his father, “My dear father, as a matter of fact, it is your attachment of the world that is a disgrace to me. I have made up my mind to part from you”. And, saying this, the boy went away, taking only the Qur’an with him. When he went to take leave from his mother, she gave him a precious ring (so that he might sell it and use the money in case of need). The boy then went to Basrah, to work among the labourers. He accepted employment only on Saturdays, using his day’s wages for seven days, spending a Danaq (One sixth Dirham) each day.
The remaining story has been related by Abu Aamir Basri Rahmatullah alaihe, who says. “Once a wall of my house collapsed and I needed a mason to rebuild it. Somebody told me that there was a young boy who did the work of a mason and I went looking for him. Outside the city, I saw a handsome young boy sitting on the ground and reciting the Holy Qur’an with a bag lying beside him. I asked him if he would like to work as a labourer and he said, ‘Certainly, we have been created to toil and labour. What work would you want me to do?’ I said that I needed a mason to do some construction. He said, ‘I shall take a Dirham and a Danaq as my wages for the day, and I shall have to stop work and go to the Masjid when it is time for Salaat; I shall resume work after Salaat.’ I agreed; he came with me and began to work on the wall. I came back in the evening and I was surprised to see that he had done as much work as ten masons. I gave him two Dirhams, but he refused to accept more than a Dirham and a ‘Danaq’ and was gone, taking just as much as had been agreed upon.
‘Next morning, I went out again, 1ooking for him, but I was told that he worked only on Saturdays and that nobody could find him on other days of the week. As I was greatly satisfied with his work, I decided to postpone the remaining construction till Saturday. When Saturday came round, I again went looking for him and found him in the same place, reciting from the Holy Qur’an as usual. When I greeted him, saying Assalaam-o-Alaikum’, he returned my greetings, saying, ‘Wa-‘Alaikum-as-Salaam’ and agreed to work on the wall. Wondering how he had done ten days’ work last Saturday, I watched him working, without being noticed by him. I saw, to my amazement, that, when he put mortar on the wall, the stones automatically joined together. I was sure that he was one the favourites of Allah, as such people are assisted by unseen help from Allah Ta’ala. In the evening, I wanted to give him three Dirhams but he took just a Dirham and a Danaq and went away, saying, I have no use for more than this amount’. I waited for him for another week and went out looking for him again next Saturday, but could not find him anywhere. On my enquiring from people, a man told me that he had been ill for three days and was lying in a deserted place; so I engaged a guide on payment to lead me to the place. We reached there to find him lying unconscious on the ground, his head pillowed on a piece of broken brick. I greeted him, but he did not respond and I said, ‘Assalaam-o-aIaikum’ a bit louder. This time he opened his eyes and recognized me. I laid his head in my lap, but he put it back on the piece of brick and recited a few couplets, two of which I still remember:
‘O my friend, do not be beguiled by the luxuries of the world, for, your life is passing away; the luxuries are short-lived. And when you carry a bier to the grave, remember, one day you, too, will be carried to the graveyard.’
The boy then said to me, ‘Abu Amir, when my soul departs, wash me and shroud me in the clothes that I am wearing now.’ I said, “Dear me, I see no harm in buying new cloth for your shroud”. He said, ‘The living are more in want of new clothes that the dead.’ (These, exactly, were the words spoken by Abu Bakr Radhiallaho anho when he was nigh unto death and willed that he should be shrouded in his old garments, when they asked his permission to buy new cloth for his shroud).
“The boy added, ‘The shroud (old or new) will quickly decay. What remains with a man after his death are his deeds. Give this turban of mine and the jug of water to the grave-digger and, when you have buried me, convey this copy of the Holy Qur’an and this ring to Khalifah Haroon Rashid and mind you, deliver it into his own hands and say, ‘These things were entrusted to me by a stranger boy who bade me convey them to you,’ with the words: ‘O Father, take heed, lest you die in heedlessness, beguiled by the world’. With these words on his lips the young boy gave up his soul. At that moment I came to know that he was a prince.
“After his death, I washed him, shrouded him and laid him in the grave, even as he had desired and I gave his turban and the jug to the grave-digger. After this, I undertook a journey to Baghdad in order to deliver the ring and the Holy Book to the Khalifah. Luckily for me, when I reached the Khalifah’s palace, his cavalcade was just coming out of the court. I stood on a raised platform and watched the pageant. There came out from the palace a troop of a thousand horsemen, followed by ten more troops, in each a thousand horse¬men. In the last troop rode the Amir-ul-Mo’mineen, himself, on seeing whom I called in a loud voice, ‘O, Amir-ul-Mo’mineen,, I beseech you, in the name of your kinship with Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam, to stop awhile’ The Ameer-ul-Mo’mineen stopped and looked round, I went forward at once and handed over to him the two trusts of the deceased prince, saying, ‘These things were entrusted to me by a stranger boy who passed away, leaving a will that these should be delivered into your own hands. The Khalifah looked at the ring and the Holy Qur’an and hung his head in sorrow. I saw tears dripping from his eyes. The Ameer-ul-Mo’mineen, then, told his chamberlain to escort me to his palace and to present me to him when he came back from the promenade. I stayed with the chamberlain in the palace.
“When the Khalifah came back in the evening, he ordered the curtains of his palace to be drawn down and told the chamberlain to call me into his presence, even though, he said, ‘The man will just revive my sorrow’. The chamberlain came to me and said, ‘The Ameer-ul-Mo’mineen wants you, but mind you, he is grievously shocked. If you want to say something in ten words, try to put it in five.’ He then ushered me into the private room of the Khalifah, who was sitting there all by himself. The Khalifah told me to sit closer to him and when I had taken my seat, asked me, ‘Do you know that son of mine?’ I said Yes, and he asked me, ‘What did he do for a living?’ I said that he did the work of a mason. The Ameer-ul-Mo’mineen, said, ‘Did you also engage him to do the work of a mason?’ I said that I had done so. The Ameer-ul-Mo’mineen said, ‘Did it not occur to your mind that he had a kinship with Rasulullah’ (Haroon Rasher was a descendant of Abbas Radhiallaho anho, the uncle of Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). I said, ‘O Ameer-uI Mo’mineen! First of all, I beg forgiveness of Allah Ta’ala and then beg your pardon, but I did not know of it at that time. I only learnt about it after he had passed away.’ The Khalifah said, ‘Did you wash your body with your own hands?’ I said, ‘Yes’ and he said, ‘Let me touch your hand’. He then held my hand to his bosom, caressing his chest with it, and recited a few verses which meant:
O thou estranged from me, my heart melts away with grief over thee; my eyes shed tears of sorrow! O thou whose burial-place is far, too far, thy grief is closer to my heart. True, death disconcerts most excellent pleasures of the world. Ah, my estranged son was like a moon hanging above a silvery bough. The moon has set in the grave, the silvery bough gone to dust.
After this, Haroon Rashid decided to go to Basrah to visit the grave of his son. I, Abu Aamir also accompanied him. Standing by his son’s grave, Haroon Rasheed recited the following verses,
‘O voyager to the Unknown, never shalt thou come back home. Death snatched you away in the first bloom of youth. O coolness of my eyes, thou wert my solace, my heart’s peace, in long lonely hours of night and in brief moments of death, which thy father shall drink in old age. Indeed, each one must taste of Death, be he nomad or a town dweller. All praise be to Allah, the One, Who has no partners; for, these are the manifestations of His Divine Decree.
The following night, when I went to bed after observing my daily devotional practices, I dreamt that I saw a domed building bathed in Noor, above which there hung a cloud of Noor. Out of this cloud of Noor came the voice of the deceased boy, talking to me, ‘Abu Aamir, May Allah grant you the best reward (for washing and shrouding me and for acting upon my will)!’ I asked him, ‘My dear friend, how are you faring in the next world?’ He said, ‘I have been admitted to the presence of my Lord, Who is the Most Bounteous One and Who is well pleased with me. He has granted me such Bounties as eyes have never seen, ears have never heard of and minds have never thought of.’ (The reference is to a Hadith Qudsi which narrates as follows: Rasulullah reports Allah Ta’ala as saying “I have prepared for my righteous servants, things that no eye has seen, nor any ear heard of; nor entered in the mind of man”.
Abdullah bin Mas’ood Radhiallaho anho narrates; ‘It occurs in the Torah that Allah Ta’ala has prepared for those who forsake their beds to cry unto their Lord (observe Tahajjud Salat) such bounties as no eye has seen, nor any ear heard, nor occurring in the mind of any man, nor does any angel (however near to Allah) know of them, nor are they known to any Nabi or Rasul. Allah Ta’ala says, in the Holy Qur’an:
No soul knoweth what is kept hidden for them of joy (mosty pleasing to their eyes). (Sajdah: 17)
The boy then said to me (in the dream), ‘Allah Ta’ala has promised me, swearing by His Glory, that He would grant such honours and bounties to all those who come out of the world like me, without being tainted by it!’
The author of ‘Raudh’ says that this story has also come down to him through another chain of narration. This version adds: Someone asked Haroon Rashid about this boy and he said, “This son was born before my ascension to the Caliphate and was brought up very well and was taught good manners. He had learnt the Holy Qur’an and other related branches of religious knowledge, but when I rose to be a Khalifah, he forsake me and went away. My worldly magnificence did not bring him any comfort in life, for he did not like to benefit from it in any way. When he was going away, I asked his mother to give him the ring, the pearl set in which was very precious, but he did not make use of it and sent it back before his death. The boy had been very obedient to his mother.” (Raudh)
“The funerals frighten me everyday, and wailings of the female mourners make me sad.”
One day, the young boy came to the court of his father, Haroon Rasheed, while he was sitting in company with viziers, lords and noblemen. The boy was dressed in simple clothes; with a turban on his head; when the courtiers saw him in this condition, they said, “The ways of this mad boy are a disgrace to the Amir-ul-Mo’mineen, in the sight of the kings; if he could admonish him, the boy might give up his foolish habits”. The Khalifah heard this and said to his son, “My dear son, you have disgraced me in the sight of the kings”. At this, the boy did not say a word (to his father), but called out to a bird sitting nearby, “O bird, I ask you, in the name of Him Who created you, to come and sit on my hand,” whereupon the bird flew across to him and perched on his hand. The boy then told it to fly away and it flew back to perch as before. After this, he said to his father, “My dear father, as a matter of fact, it is your attachment of the world that is a disgrace to me. I have made up my mind to part from you”. And, saying this, the boy went away, taking only the Qur’an with him. When he went to take leave from his mother, she gave him a precious ring (so that he might sell it and use the money in case of need). The boy then went to Basrah, to work among the labourers. He accepted employment only on Saturdays, using his day’s wages for seven days, spending a Danaq (One sixth Dirham) each day.
The remaining story has been related by Abu Aamir Basri Rahmatullah alaihe, who says. “Once a wall of my house collapsed and I needed a mason to rebuild it. Somebody told me that there was a young boy who did the work of a mason and I went looking for him. Outside the city, I saw a handsome young boy sitting on the ground and reciting the Holy Qur’an with a bag lying beside him. I asked him if he would like to work as a labourer and he said, ‘Certainly, we have been created to toil and labour. What work would you want me to do?’ I said that I needed a mason to do some construction. He said, ‘I shall take a Dirham and a Danaq as my wages for the day, and I shall have to stop work and go to the Masjid when it is time for Salaat; I shall resume work after Salaat.’ I agreed; he came with me and began to work on the wall. I came back in the evening and I was surprised to see that he had done as much work as ten masons. I gave him two Dirhams, but he refused to accept more than a Dirham and a ‘Danaq’ and was gone, taking just as much as had been agreed upon.
‘Next morning, I went out again, 1ooking for him, but I was told that he worked only on Saturdays and that nobody could find him on other days of the week. As I was greatly satisfied with his work, I decided to postpone the remaining construction till Saturday. When Saturday came round, I again went looking for him and found him in the same place, reciting from the Holy Qur’an as usual. When I greeted him, saying Assalaam-o-Alaikum’, he returned my greetings, saying, ‘Wa-‘Alaikum-as-Salaam’ and agreed to work on the wall. Wondering how he had done ten days’ work last Saturday, I watched him working, without being noticed by him. I saw, to my amazement, that, when he put mortar on the wall, the stones automatically joined together. I was sure that he was one the favourites of Allah, as such people are assisted by unseen help from Allah Ta’ala. In the evening, I wanted to give him three Dirhams but he took just a Dirham and a Danaq and went away, saying, I have no use for more than this amount’. I waited for him for another week and went out looking for him again next Saturday, but could not find him anywhere. On my enquiring from people, a man told me that he had been ill for three days and was lying in a deserted place; so I engaged a guide on payment to lead me to the place. We reached there to find him lying unconscious on the ground, his head pillowed on a piece of broken brick. I greeted him, but he did not respond and I said, ‘Assalaam-o-aIaikum’ a bit louder. This time he opened his eyes and recognized me. I laid his head in my lap, but he put it back on the piece of brick and recited a few couplets, two of which I still remember:
‘O my friend, do not be beguiled by the luxuries of the world, for, your life is passing away; the luxuries are short-lived. And when you carry a bier to the grave, remember, one day you, too, will be carried to the graveyard.’
The boy then said to me, ‘Abu Amir, when my soul departs, wash me and shroud me in the clothes that I am wearing now.’ I said, “Dear me, I see no harm in buying new cloth for your shroud”. He said, ‘The living are more in want of new clothes that the dead.’ (These, exactly, were the words spoken by Abu Bakr Radhiallaho anho when he was nigh unto death and willed that he should be shrouded in his old garments, when they asked his permission to buy new cloth for his shroud).
“The boy added, ‘The shroud (old or new) will quickly decay. What remains with a man after his death are his deeds. Give this turban of mine and the jug of water to the grave-digger and, when you have buried me, convey this copy of the Holy Qur’an and this ring to Khalifah Haroon Rashid and mind you, deliver it into his own hands and say, ‘These things were entrusted to me by a stranger boy who bade me convey them to you,’ with the words: ‘O Father, take heed, lest you die in heedlessness, beguiled by the world’. With these words on his lips the young boy gave up his soul. At that moment I came to know that he was a prince.
“After his death, I washed him, shrouded him and laid him in the grave, even as he had desired and I gave his turban and the jug to the grave-digger. After this, I undertook a journey to Baghdad in order to deliver the ring and the Holy Book to the Khalifah. Luckily for me, when I reached the Khalifah’s palace, his cavalcade was just coming out of the court. I stood on a raised platform and watched the pageant. There came out from the palace a troop of a thousand horsemen, followed by ten more troops, in each a thousand horse¬men. In the last troop rode the Amir-ul-Mo’mineen, himself, on seeing whom I called in a loud voice, ‘O, Amir-ul-Mo’mineen,, I beseech you, in the name of your kinship with Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam, to stop awhile’ The Ameer-ul-Mo’mineen stopped and looked round, I went forward at once and handed over to him the two trusts of the deceased prince, saying, ‘These things were entrusted to me by a stranger boy who passed away, leaving a will that these should be delivered into your own hands. The Khalifah looked at the ring and the Holy Qur’an and hung his head in sorrow. I saw tears dripping from his eyes. The Ameer-ul-Mo’mineen, then, told his chamberlain to escort me to his palace and to present me to him when he came back from the promenade. I stayed with the chamberlain in the palace.
“When the Khalifah came back in the evening, he ordered the curtains of his palace to be drawn down and told the chamberlain to call me into his presence, even though, he said, ‘The man will just revive my sorrow’. The chamberlain came to me and said, ‘The Ameer-ul-Mo’mineen wants you, but mind you, he is grievously shocked. If you want to say something in ten words, try to put it in five.’ He then ushered me into the private room of the Khalifah, who was sitting there all by himself. The Khalifah told me to sit closer to him and when I had taken my seat, asked me, ‘Do you know that son of mine?’ I said Yes, and he asked me, ‘What did he do for a living?’ I said that he did the work of a mason. The Ameer-ul-Mo’mineen, said, ‘Did you also engage him to do the work of a mason?’ I said that I had done so. The Ameer-ul-Mo’mineen said, ‘Did it not occur to your mind that he had a kinship with Rasulullah’ (Haroon Rasher was a descendant of Abbas Radhiallaho anho, the uncle of Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). I said, ‘O Ameer-uI Mo’mineen! First of all, I beg forgiveness of Allah Ta’ala and then beg your pardon, but I did not know of it at that time. I only learnt about it after he had passed away.’ The Khalifah said, ‘Did you wash your body with your own hands?’ I said, ‘Yes’ and he said, ‘Let me touch your hand’. He then held my hand to his bosom, caressing his chest with it, and recited a few verses which meant:
O thou estranged from me, my heart melts away with grief over thee; my eyes shed tears of sorrow! O thou whose burial-place is far, too far, thy grief is closer to my heart. True, death disconcerts most excellent pleasures of the world. Ah, my estranged son was like a moon hanging above a silvery bough. The moon has set in the grave, the silvery bough gone to dust.
After this, Haroon Rashid decided to go to Basrah to visit the grave of his son. I, Abu Aamir also accompanied him. Standing by his son’s grave, Haroon Rasheed recited the following verses,
‘O voyager to the Unknown, never shalt thou come back home. Death snatched you away in the first bloom of youth. O coolness of my eyes, thou wert my solace, my heart’s peace, in long lonely hours of night and in brief moments of death, which thy father shall drink in old age. Indeed, each one must taste of Death, be he nomad or a town dweller. All praise be to Allah, the One, Who has no partners; for, these are the manifestations of His Divine Decree.
The following night, when I went to bed after observing my daily devotional practices, I dreamt that I saw a domed building bathed in Noor, above which there hung a cloud of Noor. Out of this cloud of Noor came the voice of the deceased boy, talking to me, ‘Abu Aamir, May Allah grant you the best reward (for washing and shrouding me and for acting upon my will)!’ I asked him, ‘My dear friend, how are you faring in the next world?’ He said, ‘I have been admitted to the presence of my Lord, Who is the Most Bounteous One and Who is well pleased with me. He has granted me such Bounties as eyes have never seen, ears have never heard of and minds have never thought of.’ (The reference is to a Hadith Qudsi which narrates as follows: Rasulullah reports Allah Ta’ala as saying “I have prepared for my righteous servants, things that no eye has seen, nor any ear heard of; nor entered in the mind of man”.
Abdullah bin Mas’ood Radhiallaho anho narrates; ‘It occurs in the Torah that Allah Ta’ala has prepared for those who forsake their beds to cry unto their Lord (observe Tahajjud Salat) such bounties as no eye has seen, nor any ear heard, nor occurring in the mind of any man, nor does any angel (however near to Allah) know of them, nor are they known to any Nabi or Rasul. Allah Ta’ala says, in the Holy Qur’an:
No soul knoweth what is kept hidden for them of joy (mosty pleasing to their eyes). (Sajdah: 17)
The boy then said to me (in the dream), ‘Allah Ta’ala has promised me, swearing by His Glory, that He would grant such honours and bounties to all those who come out of the world like me, without being tainted by it!’
The author of ‘Raudh’ says that this story has also come down to him through another chain of narration. This version adds: Someone asked Haroon Rashid about this boy and he said, “This son was born before my ascension to the Caliphate and was brought up very well and was taught good manners. He had learnt the Holy Qur’an and other related branches of religious knowledge, but when I rose to be a Khalifah, he forsake me and went away. My worldly magnificence did not bring him any comfort in life, for he did not like to benefit from it in any way. When he was going away, I asked his mother to give him the ring, the pearl set in which was very precious, but he did not make use of it and sent it back before his death. The boy had been very obedient to his mother.” (Raudh)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The difference between a wedding and a funeral
Teri doli uthi,
Meri mayyat uthi,
Teri doli uthi,
Meri mayyat uthi,
Phool tujh par bhi barse,
Phool mujh par bhi barse,
Phool mujh par bhi barse,
Tu saj gayi,
Mujhe sajaya gaya .
Tu bhi ghar ko chali,
Main bi ghar ko chala,
Tu uth ke gayi,
Mujhe uthaya gaya .
Mehfil wahan bhi thi,
Log yahan bhi the,
Unka hasna wahan,
Inka rona yahan.

Qazi udhar bhi tha, Molvi idhar bhi tha,
Do bol tere pade, Do bol mere pade,
Tera nikah pada, Mera janaaza pada,
Do bol tere pade, Do bol mere pade,
Tera nikah pada, Mera janaaza pada,
Tujhe apnaya gaya,
Mujhe dafnaya gaya.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Bait us Salam Mosque
Masjid is located in Defence Phase 4. Maulana Abdul Sattar, a great Aalim Deen conducts Bayaan after Maghrib Prayers on every Sunday.
Jumma Prayer is also led by Maulana Abdul Sattar Sahab. Jumma is at 1:30. Jumma Bayaan starts at 1
For more detailis visit
Location Map: Google Maps
(view on Google Sidewiki)
Jumma Prayer is also led by Maulana Abdul Sattar Sahab. Jumma is at 1:30. Jumma Bayaan starts at 1
For more detailis visit
Location Map: Google Maps
(view on Google Sidewiki)
A Madarsah in need of your Help !
(The contact information has been included at the end).
I got all this information from an authentic refrence. An aalim from Jamia Binori, now working at a very remote location of Chitral, Pakistan. In this blog, I have attached all the releated information which will give you a clear idea for its existance and authenticity. The documents includes the attendance list of the student maintained in a local register, the blurred pictures of the Students in classes, the outdoor pictures of Madarsah. In addition to that, the approval document of it from Wifaq ul Madaris is also attached.
Just think, our help can assist people to learn Holy Quran by heart ! may be Allah Almighty will make this effort a Zaria Nijaat for all of us. Ameen.
Please keep in mind that running a madarah requires monthly expenses. Helping it at one time only will not cater all the needs of it. I have all the bank releated infrmation about this madarsah with me. Contact me by either a phone call or email for details. You can directly contact those person, by phone call or visiting them. The do have Bank Details as well for funds transfer.
Nabeel Faruqui
Email Address :
Call: 92-300-2703860
I got all this information from an authentic refrence. An aalim from Jamia Binori, now working at a very remote location of Chitral, Pakistan. In this blog, I have attached all the releated information which will give you a clear idea for its existance and authenticity. The documents includes the attendance list of the student maintained in a local register, the blurred pictures of the Students in classes, the outdoor pictures of Madarsah. In addition to that, the approval document of it from Wifaq ul Madaris is also attached.
Just think, our help can assist people to learn Holy Quran by heart ! may be Allah Almighty will make this effort a Zaria Nijaat for all of us. Ameen.
Please keep in mind that running a madarah requires monthly expenses. Helping it at one time only will not cater all the needs of it. I have all the bank releated infrmation about this madarsah with me. Contact me by either a phone call or email for details. You can directly contact those person, by phone call or visiting them. The do have Bank Details as well for funds transfer.
Nabeel Faruqui
Email Address :
Call: 92-300-2703860
Attested Document
Pictures of Madarsah
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