Khawaja Azizul Hasan Majzoob's PoetrySome of the Great work of Majzoob. The poetry left the heart with an utmost feeling of Allah Almighty and HIS Existance. I still remember these 2 verses of him, while listening to one of the bayaans of Maulana Tariq Jameel.Har tamanaa dil sey rukhsaat hoo gayee
Aab to aaa jaa aab to khalwaaat hoo gayee
Sarey duniya he sey wehshat hoo gayee
Aab to aaa jaa aab to khalwaat hoo gayee
Zindagi bhar sath dene ki na tum khaoo qasam "faraz"
Hum ne sansoon ko bhi juda hote howe dekha hai...